Under Secretary for Political Affairs
The Under Secretary for Political Affairs, William J. Burns is the Department's third-ranking official and its senior career diplomat. The Under Secretary serves as the day-to-day manager of overall regional and bilateral policy issues, and oversees the bureaus for Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, the Near East, South and Central Asia, the Western Hemisphere, International Organizations and International Narcotics and Law Enforcement.
The Assistant Secretaries of the geographic bureaus and offices advise the Under Secretary and guide the operation of the U.S. diplomatic missions within their regional jurisdiction. They are assisted by Deputy Assistant Secretaries, office directors, post management officers, and country desk officers. These officials work closely with U.S. embassies and consulates overseas and with foreign embassies in Washington, DC.
The Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO) develops and implements the policies of the U.S. Government within the United Nations and its affiliated agencies, as well as within certain other international organizations. The IO Bureau engages in what is known as multilateral diplomacy to promote and defend the many overlapping interests of the American people. The IO Bureau also promotes effective and efficient management within international organizations.
The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) advises the U.S. Government on the development of policies and programs to combat international narcotics and crime. INL programs support the Department's strategic goals of reducing the entry of illegal drugs into the United States and minimizing the impact of international crime on the United States and its citizens. Counternarcotics and anticrime programs also complement the war on terrorism by supporting foreign criminal justice systems and law enforcement agencies charged with the counter-terrorism mission.
Under Secretary Burns (Apr. 27): "The joint declaration issued by President Obama and President Medvedev at their first meeting in London on April 1 reaffirmed that Washington and Moscow share common definitions for many of the threats and opportunities that we see in the world today. The declaration recognized that more unites us than divides us. And it reflected the commitment of both Presidents to move beyond Cold War mentalities and to chart a new course in relations between our countries. The task is now to translate that sentiment into actual achievements as we look ahead to a July summit in Moscow." Full Text
Political Affairs
CUNA's Political Affairs is dedicated to providing Grassroots and Political Action Committee development and support. They assist credit unions and leagues with developing successful political programs, offering fundraising ideas and support, and aiding grassroots and member support programs.
Action Issues
Click aboveThe Political Affairs Department provides a number of programs and services: CUNA's Political Action Committee (CULAC), the Grassroots Action Center (CapWiz), Hike the Hill, constituent matching (Project Zip Code) to name a few. Political Affairs has also developed two successful educational programs to assist your members in the field. To learn more about our programs click on the links below.
Grassroots Action Center
The Grassroots Action Center allows credit union members and supporters to contact their lawmakers about important legislation affecting credit unions. Please click on the Grassroots Action for the latest Action Alerts so that you can be an active advocate for credit unions.
Political Programs
- Credit Union Legislative Action Council (CULAC)
- Hike the Hill
- Project Differentiation
- Project Zip Code
PLAN: the Political and Action Network
Power Breakfast Series
CUNA Political Affairs Survey Research
Educational Programs
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